Dojo Kun & Dojo Etiquette


 Lafayette Karate’s Dojo Kun is a verbal affirmation that is recited by all of the students, usually at the end of each training session. The purpose of the Dojo Kun is to remind all of the students in the dojo, regardless of their rank, that the physical, mental, and spiritual growth that they enjoy as a by product of their karate training, must also extend beyond the dojo’s walls.

The following Dojo Kun is taken from the 20 Precepts of Master Gichin Funakoshi, it should be recited out loud one line at a time, first by the dojo’s Sensei or senior Sempai, and then repeated immediately afterwards in unison by all of the students in attendance prior to the final bow at the end of each class.



Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Bowing In: (Start of Class)
1. Sensei will say ‘Seiza‘ which means you assume the Formal Sitting Posture.
2. Sensei will say ‘Mokuso‘ which means Closed Eye Meditation. You must close your eyes for a few minutes.
3. When ready Sensei will say ‘Yame‘ which means ‘Stop’. You may open your eyes.
4. The command ‘Shomen-Ni-Rei‘ is given and you bow to the front (Center).
5. The command ‘Sensei-Ni-Rei‘ follows and you bow to the class Instructor, at the front of class.

Bowing Out: (End of Class)
1. Sensei will say ‘Seiza‘ which means you assume the Formal Sitting Posture.
2. Sensei will say ‘Mokuso‘ which means Closed Eye Meditation. You must close your eyes for a few minutes.
3. When ready Sensei will say ‘Yame‘ which means ‘Stop’. You may open your eyes.
4. The command ‘Shomen-Ni-Rei‘ is given and you bow to the front (Center).
5. The command ‘Sensei-Ni-Rei‘ follows and you bow to the class Instructor, at the front of class.
6. Sensei will then rise and thank the class before leaving the mat. You must remain seated until you are dismissed.
7. The most senior Sempai will then thank the Sensei and dismiss the class. Bow once more and you are dismissed.

Some things to know:

– Please address all dojo instructors as ‘Sensei’. If they give you an instruction, respond with a loud “Ous!”

-When stepping onto the mat you must bow first before you proceed. A correct bow is made with the feet together at the heels in a V-shape with your hands at your sides.

-When leaving the mat you must turn and bow before stepping off.

-If you are required to take more than 3 steps to travel anywhere on the dojo mat you must run.

-It is considered rude to expose the bottoms of your feet to your Sensei.

-Placing your hands on your hips means you wish to fight with the Sensei. When standing to listen, either your hands must be at your sides or behind your back.